Thursday, June 26, 2008

Chicken Update & Story

The broiler chicks got moved out into the chicken tractors on Monday evening. We split them between 2 pens. In a few weeks, we will split them again and make 3 pens. They get lots of fresh air and sunshine. The tarps are down because we had a storm blow through and are expecting another one. They can be rolled up on the sides when the weather is nice.

Here are a couple of pictures of the chicks in the pen. They are now 3 weeks old. The red thing you see hanging down is there waterer. It is called a Bell Waterer. There is a 6 gallon bucket hanging above it that is full of water.

They are all bunched up in the corner here because they see me and the dogs at this end of the pen. =)

If you click on this picture and make it larger, there is a story there. Did you see it? Part of it is partially hidden.

Here you can watch the story unfold.

We have trained our dogs to keep unknown animals off of our property. I heard a cat holler like there was a cat fight. Then I heard the dogs barking. At first they must have treed it because I saw the dogs jumping up at a tree. By the time I grabbed the camera and got out there, the cat was on the potato planter. The big yellow dog you see leaving the crime scene in the above video belongs to The Wonderful Neighbors. I guess he figured since I was going to film the crime he had better leave. =) This is not our cat. It wandered into the wrong place. And just so I don't get any hate mail, I walked away and took my dogs with me letting the cat have a chance to run off. We walked out to the movable pens and then checked on the chicks in the brooder. I have not heard a cat scream or dogs bark, so I think he must have high tailed it out of here.


  1. Yep the neighbors dog didn't want to get caught in the middle I guess. :D

  2. Or else he got a scratch on the nose. LOL!

  3. your chicks are growing so fast!! Glad the cat got away but love the potato planter

  4. Wow, those chicks grew so fast!

    That cat looked like he might have got a lick or two in himself! LOL

  5. Guess what, the cat belongs to the wonderful neighbors too....

  6. I wondered if he was your cat or not.


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