Saturday, May 03, 2008

Spring is Here and in Full Swing!!

I was just outside walking around and checking on all my plants and seeing how many trees are getting leaves. Spring has bloomed out beautifully. Here is a picture of my bleeding hearts. I am fascinated by these flowers. They start out so tine and then grow and then the bottom of the hearts turn up.
Here are some blooms on my dogwood.

I am so excited about my wisteria. It is starting to open up. I have waited 5 years for it to bloom.

Here is the one big bloom on my lilacs. There are a couple of tiny ones. This is the first year that it bloomed as well.

This is out in my woods. If you click on it and make it big, you will see the spring beauties covering the ground. They are so pretty. The next picture is a close up of them.

There next 3 are all apple blossoms on my trees. This is the second year for blossoms on one tree and the first year for a blossom on the other.

You can see that the woods are starting to green up. That is my little log cabin in the woods. It needs some repairs.

I liked this. I am not sure why, but it caught my eye.

The cat was following me and the dogs on our walk.

I like this picture because there were 3 kinds of flowers all together in the grass.

We went into town today. This is a lovely home on the outskirts of town. They planted daffodils in the shape of a huge cross in their yard on a hill. You can see it when you are coming from town. At Christmas time, they outline this area with lights.

These next 3 pictures I took on our way home. The sky was ominous, but all we got was some rain.

Me young friend from next door completed a girl's apron for my store. Isn't it darling!?! She does a really good job, so if you would like to surprise someone with an apron, potholder or better yet a Mother Daughter apron set, let me know and she will make them for you. Don't forget Mother's Days is May 11th. They would make a nice gift!!!
I had a request from a friend for more lamb pictures. I will get out there and take some this afternoon and evening.


  1. Good pictures! That cross on the hill has lasted a long time this year. They must have planted many differeent varieties of daffodils so that they bloom continuously for a long time. Little Friend's apron is very pretty. :-D

  2. I LOVE the names you have chosen for the new babies! Isn't Spring glorious? I love every season, but I was so anxious to see green again. :0) Have a blessed and restful Sunday.

  3. Thanks for the pictures. I miss the dogwoods of the Northwest were I grew up.


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