Monday, May 26, 2008

Count Your Blessings Monday

Here is an opportunity for you to give thanks unto the Lord for a blessing in your life. If you have a blog, please sign Mr. Linky below and post on your blog. Please link back to this blog and you may use the picture above. If you do not have a blog, leave a comment on this post telling us what you are thankful for and what you are counting as a blessing today. This is a way that we can encourage one another. Many of our blessings we will have pictures of and we can share those as well. I think that many times we forget that it is a blessing to be able to breath, to get out of bed, to hold a baby... Share your blessings with us. They encourage others. We can share so many other things.... special gifts, recipes, let's take the time to share how God has blessed us!!

This is a picture of Uncle Noel doing something that he really loved. Driving his pontoon boat with some of his children and grandchildren aboard. He and Aunt Ruth would spend their summers at this lake on property that has been in our family a long time.

My blessing is having people like Uncle Noel in my life. There are many godly people that have an influence on my life. I have been truly blessed. Uncle Noel went home to be with his Lord today. Thank you to all who prayed for him and his family. Please continue to lift up my three cousins and their families through this time.


  1. Marci,
    I know your uncle is dancing with joy in his new home today. Those who truly bless our lives continue to do so long after they leave this earth. I will continue to pray for his children as they face many decisions in the days to come.

  2. Hi Marci,
    We are sorry to hear about your Uncle. We will keep you all in our prayers.

  3. Marci,
    I'm so sorry for your loss and that of the family. I'll pray for all through this tough and sad time. But what a blessing to have no doubt where he is spending this morning.
    Love, Teresa

  4. Marci,
    I just wanted to let you know that I am praying for you and your family! Kim

  5. So sorry to hear of your loss but how awesome that you had Uncle Noel as part of your life. He sounds like a wonderful man and I am sure he will be greatly missed.

  6. Oh I'm sorry Marci. Danny & I lost his favorite uncle to a terrible accident April 18th. The pain is fresh here too. Yes, may the LORD give you & your family comfort & peace in this time of loss. Our Uncle was also a godly least you & I have that to rest on. LOve u


We love having people visit our blog. Please take the time to leave a note so that we know you were here. You don't have to have a blog to leave a note. If you have something negative to say, you are welcome to say it. However, if you leave it anonymously it will not be posted. It seems the people who like to correct me or say ugly things, don't want to leave their name or a way I can respond to them.

May the Lord richly bless each of you!!!