Saturday, May 17, 2008

Fishing and Lamb Races

Clara sent me this darling card. There is real knitting on the little wooden knitting needles. It comes from the real wool that is covering the sheep. I just love it. I have it sitting in my office.

Here's my live sheep and lambs. They are all doing well and I am so thankful.

This little girl, Pepper, is my favorite. I have been trying to think of a way to get her to come to me. So far, I have not had any luck.

Here she is with her twin brother Psalty.

This is either Knit or Purl. I love their little white noses and their silver tipped ears.

Some of our friends have gone fishing at different lakes in the area. They have caught fish and brought them to our house and turned them loose in our pond. The pond is full of tadpoles and frogs. At night, it is quite the chorus. Maybe one night, I will run a short video on my camera just to capture the noise. You wouldn't see anything, but you would hear Great-Grandpa frogs with deep voices all the way to tiny little ones singing. Since they have brought the fish, we told them to feel free to fish. Some of them were trying their luck last night. I think those fish have not forgotten how they got here though. They did nibble some, but there wasn't a whole lot of catching going on.

I did a couple of videos of this last night, but I will only bore you with one. =) The lambs were running races. I told Michael that I should have called out like a race.... "Here comes Pepper around the first curve... OH, there goes Psalty blowing by her...." =)


  1. Nice pictures, lambs sure don't like being petted sometimes!

  2. Oh, I saw the card. Thank you for mentioning it on your blog. When I saw it, I knew that card was made for Marci! Love, Clara

  3. That card is just the cutest ever! Leave it to Clara! :0)


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