Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Another Prayer Request

Please pray for my Aunt Darolyn. She is my Mom's older sister. She has been having some problems, but we just got an email saying she had an hemorrhagic stroke. She is in ICU. She has some paralysis on her right side and cannot speak. Thanks for all the prayers for my family. It is hard when you are scattered all over the country and can't be there.

Here is a picture of my Mom and her 3 sisters. Aunt Darolyn is on the left next to my Mom. This was taken at my parents 50th wedding anniversary party.


  1. Oh Marci, I'm so sorry for more family illness and trial. I'm praying for your dear Aunt.

  2. Marci that is not good.
    Love Tina

  3. So sorry to hear about your have been through so much. Praying for you and your aunt.


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