Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Vision Forum - Save over 37%

The Christian Character Read-Aloud Library:
How God Sent a Dog, Stopped Pirates,
and Used a Thunderstorm to Change the World!

Children love stories. They read stories, they want to be told stories, and they make-up their own stories. As Christians, we want our children to be encouraged with delightful stories featuring character lessons with a high regard for the sovereignty of God and that convey in simple concepts the great Reformation truths of justification by faith and the sufficiency of Scripture.

Accordingly, Vision Forum is pleased to present the 27-volume Christian Character Read-Aloud Library, comprised of two sets of inexpensive, beautiful Gospel stories for children — The Colporteur Family Classics and The Building on the Rock Series. For one week only, enjoy special savings on this 27-volume Christian Character Read-Aloud Library — just $125 (a savings of $74)!

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