Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Pray for Tricia

Tricia has Cystic Fibrosis. I had 2 cousins with this disease. Tricia against all odds gave birth to a very preemie baby who is still in the hospital. Tricia has been in the hospital since December. She has been waiting for a double lung transplant. Lungs have been found for her and they just put her under to start the surgery. Pray for her, her husband and their precious baby girl, Gwyneth Rose. Here is her husband's blog.


  1. Praying for all of their little family!

  2. I have been following their blog since the birth of their baby. We have a couple of pictures Trica in our office as a reminder to pray for her.

  3. I prayed when I saw this. When I worked in peds we had several CF patients and I know what a terrible disease it is. Her little dolly baby is so cute! She is a MIRACLE!


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