Saturday, April 12, 2008

Garden Time is Coming!!!!

We got a Mantis tiller a couple of years ago. I can't tell you how handy they come in. It is very easy to get between your rows and your plants with one. If you are interested in purchasing one for your garden, you can click on the banner below as it is a link. I am an affiliate, but chose to be one because of how much we love ours. If you ground has been tilled in the past, you could easily get away with just having this one small tiller.

I would love to have a compost tumbler. I have known a couple of people who have one and they swear by them. It is a good way to make rich compost quickly. I am hoping to save enough for one.

Mantis Tiller - Free Kickstand, Free Ship

ComposT-Twin with Free Activator

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