Thursday, April 17, 2008

Cows on Amazing Graze Farm

This shows you our cows out on pasture. You will also see all the junk up by our barn. =) When I point out the calves, I start out by saying they are the same size. I meant to say, they are the same age. I go on and tell you why they are different sizes. =) I bet you thought you were going to see baby lamb videos didn't you? The two larger steers are Hamburger Paddy or Paddy for short. He is the really dark one. He is half angus. The other larger light colored steer is Stew Beef, or Stu for short. The smaller dark steer belongs to the Wonderful Neighbors and I forgot his name again. The smaller honey colored steer is Phil A. Mignon or Phil for short. =)

Here is Clover. The 2 steers that were in with her escaped and got put in with the other cows. She is all by herself tonight.

Here are the first twins born.

Here is one of the second set of twins.
The cows waiting on fresh grass as Michael moves them.

Daffodils out in the yard.


  1. What cute names for the cows! That really tickled me. Sorta like when I was growing up on a small farm. We grew just enough for us and my grandparents to eat. We generally had 3 cows, 4 sheep, a goat, several horses, and about 10-12 pigs. My grandfather named the one pig, Ima Lotta. I'm a lotta pig! We all laughed at that one.

    Love the pic of the little black sheep!

  2. Poor Clover, all alone.

    The boys (I nannied) and I tried once to bring a stray cow in on foot. We ran and cornered her and she kept getting away. It was fun but we never succeeded until we had a fourwheeler to help us.


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