Saturday, March 22, 2008

Yep.... again....

I was so thrilled to wake up this morning and see no snow on the ground. It said we could get 1 to 3 inches. Up in northern Ohio they got up to 8 inches. I went out to plug in the tractor heater and I could just barely make out snow flurries coming down. Within a very short time this is what I saw....

Not to worry though. We only got a dusting. It has already basically stopped snowing. I see that Melanie thinks its my fault it snowed because of what I said in my last post. =)

Today we juiced a bunch of fruit for our breakfast. We mixed pineapple, apple, carrot and orange juice together. It was really good. It is a good way to use up fruit. I also ate a banana.

I am still working on my webpage for selling the kitchen equipment. I am able to take orders now, so if you are wanting to buy a Bosch, DLX (Electrolux) or Nutrimill, please email me.

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