Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Ohio Weather - Unpredictable!

We have had several days in the high 40's. I believe it even hit 50 one of those days. Most all of the snow melted and we were well into a flooded time. It has been raining for a day or so. The yard is saturated and there is a small lake there. The pond is overflowing and draining down around as it was designed to do. The ground was squishy and muddy. I was doing paper work on the computer this morning for my co-op drop for today. I looked and it was 48 degrees. I just looked again now and it is 33. I looked outside and what did I see? It is snowing. There was snow on the picnic table and on the car. It will take awhile to stick on the ground as it is very wet right now. I guess spring is going to have to fight its way in this year. =)


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