Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Big Vision Forum Spring Sale!!

For one week only, Vision Forum is running a special “Spring Savings Sale,” offering 50% off more than 250 family-building products! Kickoff the 2008 homeschool conference season with huge savings on many of the products we can never quite fit into a Vision Forum homeschool conference booth, as well as great discounts on many Vision Forum classics. With low prices on everything from Passionate Housewives Desperate for God to the All-American Boy’s Crossbow, you can fill your cart with something each family member will enjoy.

The “Spring Savings Sale,” ends Tuesday, March 11, at midnight CST. Good only while supplies last.

If you use any of the links above or the one in the sidebar, I get credit for the purchase. Thanks!!

1 comment:

We love having people visit our blog. Please take the time to leave a note so that we know you were here. You don't have to have a blog to leave a note. If you have something negative to say, you are welcome to say it. However, if you leave it anonymously it will not be posted. It seems the people who like to correct me or say ugly things, don't want to leave their name or a way I can respond to them.

May the Lord richly bless each of you!!!