Tuesday, February 26, 2008

More Snow...

I should not complain. I love snow. I guess, I love snow for a time. =) It is snowing to beat the band again. It was supposed to snow all night, but it rained. That washed away a lot of the snow we had, so God is filling us up again. If you click on the pictures, you can see the snow much better. I just took these pictures a little bit ago and came in and loaded them onto my computer. I can already see the difference in snow on top of these round bales in the first picture. They are outside my office window. I am going to roll them out on my garden. They are several years old and it was junk hay. I figure they will make good mulch.

There is a rim of thin ice all the way around the edges of the pond.

These next 2 pictures are what I see in my living room. I love to watch the snow come down through a window.

Here is a picture of Belle. Both she and Star have hung out near me during the day. I think they may miss Dixie as well.

Here are the projects I have in a basket by my rocker. The blue piece on top as well as the off white one to the left of it are both knitted cotton dishcloths. I am making them for someone. The variegated pink is a scarf that I have been knitting on for several years. Last year someone pulled the needle all the way out and put it back in wrong. I did not know how to fix it. One of the sweet ladies we fellowship with was telling us how her Mom was a knitting whiz. So, I asked if she thought her Mom could help me. She took it with her and brought it back all ready to go again. The ivory piece with pink stripes is my knitted sampler. I have not started the sweater yet as I don't have the right size needles. I could not find them in any of the stores around here, so I had to order them. The tan piece was a small wrap type shawl that my Mom was working on when she died. I finished it and don't use it very often. However, I would have a hard time giving it away.

What are you working on this winter? Did you get any special projects done? I know that Ginny has been making plans for many things on her graph paper. =) She uses more graph paper in a week than I do in a year. However, it shows by her beautiful garden and the things she makes.


  1. I was so happy to see the snow today...One...because I really like snow and two....I didn't want it yesterday for our trip. :D

  2. Are you using flattery to get your hands on my graph paper and magic rub eraser? ;-)


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