Saturday, February 09, 2008

Bewitched by the World

Michael and I listened to the above audio CD this week. It is called Bewitched By The World. It is a message given by Michael Bradrick. Here is what Vision Forum says about it...

"At an alarming rate, the children of Christian parents are falling prey to the wiles of Satan. In a culture of relativism, we must continually test our values by the absolute standard of Scripture. As Michael Bradrick explains, to overcome the world rather than be overcome by it, we need to step away from the murkiness of our modern cultural atmosphere and renew our minds with God’s Word. Conference-quality recording."

We think that every Christian family needs to hear this message on a regular basis. There is so much truth about satan's subtle ways to creep into our lives and homes. We need to stand against it. There is a whole generation of young people coming up who are "worldly wise", but they are "biblically fools". There is also a remnant of God's people who are willing to be different, to change AT THE HEART LEVEL (not just the outside) and bring up a generation that will be fools in the eyes of the world, but they will have sound biblical wisdom. It tells how the churches in Vietnam and China are praying that God will purge his body here in America through persecution. It is coming whether we want to believe it or not. Will you AND your children stand up to it? Are we training their hearts for this?

The above CD is available from Vision Forum for $10. They are in stock. If you click on the picture of it above, the link above or the link in the sidebar, I will get credit for it. This is well worth having in your library to listen to regularly and also to share with others. Today is the last day of the $25 sale as well.

1 comment:

  1. Marci,

    Thanks for posting this. It sounds like it has a great message.

    Please be sure to drop by and enter my Easter giveaway.



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