Tuesday, January 08, 2008

A Day of Hiking

Even though Joshua did not get to do "The Asking" at the place he really wanted to, the Dads did take some of the children down there for some hiking while they were here. Here are some pictures of the hike. I love the last picture.


Anonymous said...

Some of those pictures give me the WILLIES! I remember when I would have sat on a cliff like that. No more. ;-) That sure is a beautiful place, though.

Perri said...

Beautiful place. How neat to have that as an available place to hike. We would have had to go to a cornfield.....

The one where they are sitting right on the edge ready to fall into the abyss - made my stomach hurt to look at it.

LadySnow said...

Was it in the HOcking Hills region? Sure looks like it. I have spent so much time down there, but I guess that's because it's were my school always took fieldtrips and such. :D

Frazzled Farm Wife said...

Looks like a lovey place for a hike!

Sharri said...

Oh my goodness! That one looks dangerous! Yikes!
Is that Brittney sitting there with Joshua?

They do want to live to see the wedding don't they!? LOL

Robin J. said...

I definitely want to visit!

~*~Shea~*~ said...

Hi, I found your blog while blog-surfing and I love it. I can't wait to read past posts. I was hoping that you would be willing to share with me where you got the layout as I love snowflakes and snowmen. Thanks!

VoiceInTheWilderness said...

Love the photos! So beautiful... I think I'd be too chicken to get to some of those places.

The Sisters said...

Those pictures are amazing! what a beautiful place!!!


Leigh said...

What wonderful photos. Kind of remind me of where I used to live in the Ozarks. *sigh*