Sunday, December 09, 2007

Old is Relevant!!

I am a firm believer that you are really as old as you feel, not how many years you have been on the earth. In earth years, today I am OLD!! I turned 49 today. However, some days I do not feel old. Other days I feel like I am 80!! =) Today I feel around maybe.... 35. =)

Last night the Wonderful Neighbors came over to surprise me. I did not know they were coming. Their dear sweet daughter wanted to bless me and so she made a cake for me. And, did she make just any old cake? No, she made a beautiful snowman cake of her own design. She knows me well. Not only was my cake a snowman, but his hat and scarf were blue!!! =) Here is my snowman cake.

Now,while we were having cake, coffee and milk inside, I am not sure what the snowmen outside were imbibing. Whatever it was, it must have been powerful. They were a mess this morning. They were hanging and leaning all over each other and they lost their noses while they were partying. Look at them. They should be ashamed.


  1. That's a beautiful cake. Happy Birthday, Old Relevant Woman!

  2. Happy Birthday Marci! Your Cake is so cute! ~Have a great day!~


  3. Happy Birthday Marci! You're such a blessing to me!

  4. I found that snowman comment so funny and you lightened my day. God Bless and Happy Birthday.

  5. Happy, Happy Birthday and what a perfect looking cake!
    Such sweet neighbors you have!

  6. Happy Birthday, Marci! What a blessing you are to me and to others!

  7. I hope you had a great birthday! I love that cake. I'm going to make one with the kids like it.

    Keegan shares your birthday - just a few years apart!


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