Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Not Again!!!!

Well today is blustery and cold. It is really windy. I left the farm again today!!! Yes... two weeks in a row, I have left my cozy nest. It is unheard of. I am getting the reputation of a galivanter!! =) Ginny and I went to town today. The store was way up on a hill. The air is cold and there is a wind a blowin'. Guess what we saw? Snow flurries. It was flurrying all the way home.

Here are some pictures for your enjoyment. Star is showing her jumping abilities.

The following pictures are of our pigs.... Pork Chop, Sausage and Bacon!!


  1. Yes! It's true! I was there, I know! ;-)

  2. You must be out running errands before the snow falls. You will get back to your staying in !

  3. Ooh, snow! We've not seen it for about four years. :( But I do remember being surrounded by it for months.

    Thank you for your comment. It was a blessing. I get to talk to my beloved on the phone about once a week, sometimes a little longer. It's such a blessing when he does call, though! ;o)

    Enjoy your week ~


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