Sunday, November 18, 2007


Are you creative? Do you have a creative mind? I often see things in knots on wood or in a moth that others don't see. When I am in a car and the turn signal or wipers are on, I hear a rhythm and a song comes to mind to sing in time with the sound. My husband loves to turn the blinkers off and on to try and throw me off my song. =) I do this with out thinking most of the time. I love to see others being creative as well. Michael is home for 11 days straight and we went into town on Friday. There is a property that we often pass. The person who owns it puts a lot of time and effort into it. I guess I have not gone that way for awhile. As we drove by I noticed they had painted 2 mules on the side of their barn as if they are looking out. I LOVE mules and I love it that they painted them on their barn. My sweet husband turned around so that I could take a picture of them.

In our last house, the barn was just unfinished wood siding. We stained it blue and I hung some things on the side facing the road. There was still a big blank space near the top. I had Joshua make me a wooden frame with 2 shutter like doors to nail up as if there was a window there. Then I painted a hay bale, a chicken, and a feed bag as if they were up in a loft. Some people thought I was really goofy. That is OK... I probably am. =) I liked it though.

I don't know how much I will be able to be on here this week, but I will try and pop in to let you know what is going on.


  1. love the new Christmas "makeup". If I had a barn, I would decorate it too!

  2. The Barn's were cute! Your Winter Decor is really pretty on here.


  3. Thank you for visiting my blog..and I think your barn looks great..have a great week..

  4. Marci, you make my day. I open your blog usually first thing I get to work. You have such a peace about you when I read your messages. Have a great thanksgiving.

  5. Those are cute paintings on the barn! :D

  6. I love the barn paintings. Think how cool it would be if everyone did different things

  7. Those two mules on the barn are sooo cute! :0)

    I'm not very creative, but I appreciate creativity when I see it! :0)


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