Sunday, October 28, 2007

My New Business

Actually I do not have a new business. Let me explain. I LOVE Kettle Korn. We have a festival that comes to a nearby town every year. Most people go for all the fried fair food, but I get a bag of kettle korn. For those of you who have never heard of kettle korn it is corn that is popped in a huge kettle that is both salty and sweet. It is so good. We went down to Columbus today to see Michael's parents. We stopped at a little farm stand (in the city) to see if they had any tomatoes. We were walking through the store and Michael told me to look and he pointed at a display of this...

At first I just noticed it was kettle korn and then he pointed at the name. MARCI'S!!! That's ME!! I find very few things with my name on it and even fewer that have it spelled like mine. When we got it home (as you can see...empty) I saw on the back that there is a website for Marci... Marci's Fun Foods. It is really good and I highly recommend it.

I thought I would show you some more pictures of the changing leaves. The peak is definitely over here, but there are still lots of pretty spots.

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