Tuesday, October 02, 2007

My Dad's Wedding

My Dad got married on Monday, October 1st. Alice is a very sweet and kind woman whom he met while up here in Ohio. I am glad that after almost 2 years my Dad is not alone anymore. Here are a couple of pictures from their wedding.

The pictures show Alice and my Dad with my Uncle Noel in the middle. He is the one who married them. Uncle Noel lost his wife (my Dad's sister) just over a year ago. They are currently in Florida, but still have a home here in Ohio to come to. Congratulations Dad and Alice. May the Lord give you many happy years together.


Robin J. said...

Congratulations to your father! I hope they are happy for years to come.

The church's stained glass window is gorgeous. Don't you think? Our church has stained glass windows all the down both sides of the church -- from back to front. Each window depicts a Biblical story. They're gorgeous.

Frazzled Farm Wife said...

Awww....how sweet! Congrats to your dad and Alice.

LadySnow said...

Congratulations to your Dad! I didn't even know he was getting married. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh my! Congratulations to your Daddy!:-) I'm sorry I've not kept up on the computer enough to see this:-( How wonderful that he's not alone anymore:-) Love and hugs,