Two years ago on this morning, I received a phone call that would change my life. It was my Dad telling me that my Mom woke up in heaven that morning. She had gone to bed totally healthy as far as we knew. God called her home.
It has been a long two years. I never realized how much you can miss someone. I never knew how grief can attack you out of nowhere and hit you like a tidal wave. God has been very faithful and carried us through this time. He has used it in my life to make me realize that we never know when anyone is going to be gone. We are not promised our next breath. Last week a Sister-in-law on Michael's side lost her Dad and yesterday a Sister-in-law of mine lost her Dad.
Take time to tell those around you that you love them. Go and see your parents or your siblings. Send them notes and cards or emails. Keep in touch. Don't have regrets. If you are at odds with someone, swallow your pride and go and make it right. Life is too short. I am glad that when I think of my Mom, I have not regrets. I miss her like crazy. She had the softest skin and always smelled so good. You have treasures all around you. Don't wait until they are gone to realize what a treasure you had.
The last picture up above is of my Mom holding me at 11 days old. I treasure it.
I can't say that I know exactly how you feel b/c I've not been in the same place yet, but my heart is with you as you think about your mom. She looks so lovely, looking at you with adoration. You are a very blessed woman to have had such a mother to remember the rest of your days.
Marci, you were so very blessed to have a mom to feel that way about. You will be in my prayers today.
They say time heals all wounds but that wound takes ALOT of time to heal (and I don't think it is ever completely healed). I am so Glad that God has helped you through this trying time!
I'm not sure how I found you, but this post moved me beyond words. There's nothing like the mother/daughter bond, and I've had the privilege of both.
I know it may not be politically correct to use the blogoshpere to spread the Word, but my daughters have inspired me to get involved. Check out Africa '08 on my sidebar and do what you can to help us spread the word, one blog at a time. Thank you!
P.S. I've never been politically correct before, so I figure, why start now.
Julee Ann
Farmgirl--born and raised, here too!
One more thing--I hear ya loud and clear on the tag free zone, but do you mind if I put your blog on my sidebar?
Hey Sweet Marci,
I have been praying that today the Lord would grant you peace and joy as you remember your mom! You're such a wonderful blessing to me, I am thankful for your bloging friendship!
Be blessed, Kim
I am very sorry for your loss Marci and I do understand-I lost my father at the age of 17-I loved him very much and felt that I could go to him about anything at all. I have to say that I missed him greatly for the first 18 years or so following his death. I still do miss him, but the pain has lessened and I can remember the good and happy things without crying now. This year I lost my oldest brother. I had asked my husband last fall if we could go and visit them because he had undergone open heart surgery last summer but he wasn't able to get vacation time until after late January. My brother died February 6th.
You are so right when you say that you need to live life in such a way that if someone close to you is taken suddenly, you will have no regrets.
I continue to miss both my father and brother, but I have no regrets about my relationship with them-they had no doubt about my love.
The one good thing that came from my father's death is that it caused my relationship with my mom to be strengthened. We had a good relationship before his death, but I was definitely closer to him. My mom is a strong woman, but her love for my dad was deep and she was lost without him.
I am glad that your dad chose to remarry though-I wish my mom had. It's been 24 years now and it's been hard to see her be lonely. Yes, she has family, but it's not the same as having a companion.
Well, I've carried on quite long enough-I just wanted to say I'm sorry that you no longer have the joy of having your mom on this earth-I pray the Lord will bless you with peace and comfort.
What a blessing to have had such a mother! And not only wonderful memories and all of the things she taught you, but beautiful pictures as well.
Blessings on you dear....I miss my mama a whole lot too...she left us about 7 years ago now. Seems forever sometimes...but we shall be together the next time FOREVER!! The grief gets easier to deal with, but the loss is always there...how can we not miss one who has meant so much to us?
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