I am giving us an opportunity every Monday to not only count our blessings, but to share them with others. This is a way that we can encourage one another. Make a post on your blog telling us about your blessing. Please put a link back to this post. You can add the URL of your blog post on Mr. Linky below. Many of our blessings we will have pictures of and we can share those as well. I think that many times we forget that it is a blessing to be able to breath, to get out of bed, to hold a baby... Share your blessings with us. I know that many people view these posts. It makes me wonder that so few want to share a blessing from the Lord. It encourages others when you share. Even though very few people participate, I plan on continuing this. I think it is VERY important to give thanks. =)
This Monday, I am thankful for the information and seminars given by the Institute of Basic Life Principles. We just finished up the Advanced Seminar yesterday. It was an intense week of trying to get everything done and be ready to start at 7PM each evening. Then on Saturday, we got together most of the day, just taking a break for lunch and dinner. Then we had about 3.5 hours on Sunday. You get a very good overview of the information. You have to scribble like crazy to keep up on taking notes. However, they do give you a large textbook that goes along with what you learned. It helps you to review, chew on and digest the information you took in. It had the Biblical principles on marriage, child training, what you believe about children and having them, finances, daily living, ministry, and a whole bunch more. If you ever get a chance to go to a Basic Seminar (that is the first one you take) I would highly recommend it. If you are interested and go to their website, they will tell you of any in your area. You can host one in your home or church. As I said, I am thankful the Institute, and for allowing us to do it in a home. We would not have been able to participate in either the Basic or Advanced if we had to travel someplace each evening. This has been a major blessing to me and I thank the Lord for it.
Can't wait to hear more about your seminar. Happy Monday!
Thanks for the link to their website. I scanned it and will go back later to really dive in. Sounds like you really benefited from the teaching. Thanks for hosting! Have a beautiful day where you are!!
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