Sunday, September 30, 2007

6 Free Dr. Mom Otoscope Give Away from P&M Dermasalve Compounders

What you Win:
Dr. Mom Slimline Stainless LED Otoscope $26.97plus 5.95 for s/h. Retail value $32.92 with shipping/handling. Your Dr. Mom Otoscope comes with instruction sheet with pictures, 2 AAA Batteries, and 3 Reusable Specula - 2.5mm infant, 3mm child and 4mm.

Compounders of P&M Dermasalve are giving away 6 Free Dr.Mom Otoscopes . Click HERE for details.

This is a great tool for us Mom's to use at home. Here's what their site says about it.

Help to avoid permanent hearing loss in your child by observing evidence of infection early on, and seeking prompt medical attention.
Avoid painful earaches, and late night trips to the ER, through early observation of symptoms.
Diagnose earwax (cerumen) buildup on your own, and restore normal hearing, when hearing loss is due to nothing more than wax (this is often the case as we age).
Make certain that your child's ear tubes are clear and appropriately positioned.
Minimize risk of eardrum rupture.

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