Friday, August 31, 2007

Show And Tell Friday

Kelli hosts a show and tell Friday. Do you have a something special to share with us? It could be a trinket from grade school, a piece of jewelry, an antique find. Your show and tell can be old or new. Use your imagination and dig through those old boxes in your closet if you have to! Feel free to share pictures and if there's a story behind your special something, that's even better!

My Dad let me borrow 3 boxes of old family pictures. I am going to be scanning them and putting them on CD's for everyone. I have really enjoyed going through them. I found several of me in an outfit that my Mom saved and gave to me. So, that is what I am going to share today. I am 48 years old, so these pictures are REALLY OLD!!! =)

The first picture is of the little jacket and bonnet as they look today. My Mom took great care of everything. If you click on the picture you can see the details of the outfit. I left it large for that purpose. The next two pictures are of me wearing it.


Paula said...

The fabric is beautiful. When I enlarged the photo, I could see the shimmer of threads running through it. She even lined it! It still looks new. Thanks for sharing!

Jthemilker said...

Oh wow - how dainty! And how cute!!! Thanks for sharing.

Teresa said...

Just darling! And the picture of the set is pretty too...(smile). What treasures!

Anonymous said...

That is so sweet that you have the outfit and pictures of you in it. Blessings...

Susan said...

What a sweet Show & Tell Marci!!!
You were adorable.

Anonymous said...

What a nice outfit Marci, Darling. By the way, you have certainly changed. You don't have that arm sticking out of your back anymore... 8-D

Sharon said...

The outfit is so cute! And you were too!

LadySnow said...

Very beautiful Marci. Isn't it wonderful looking through old photos. :)

Sharri said...

Thanks for sharing that Marci. Such a dainty, feminine little outfit!
Too cute!

Unknown said...

oh my. this is so adorable. I love your littlw wittle baby pictures in that outfit. that is soo special.


Anonymous said...

So cute! I love the pictures!

Frazzled Farm Wife said... sweet.

Peggy said...

oh you were a beautiful baby! And how awesome to have the outfit you wore!

Anonymous said...

What a sweet treasure, to have the outfit plus the pictures of you in them.

Anonymous said...

You are the spitting image of your Mom in those pictures...

Yellow Rose Arbor said...

So sweet and pretty! Wonderful that you and your mother kept it! You were a beautiful baby!


Anonymous said...

Now this is PRICELESS!
Thanks for sharing.

Robin J. said...

Absolutely adorable. What a treasure ~

Anita said...

Marci, this dress is so cute! How blessed you are to have such a wonderful childhood memory!

Thanks for sharing!

Best wishes from Germany,

Myrna said...

So sweet! You look like a little doll in those pictures!

Lori said...

How precious is that. So cute.
I'm sure it is a treasure to you.

retha said...

It must be an enormous job to scan all the photos.
Your mother really did a good job.

Anonymous said...

I like the clothes.

inspired said...


Julieann said...

Marci, how precious--and what a darling baby you were:)


Kelli said...

What precious treasures, Marci. Both the outfit and the pictures! I think the rosebud fabric is beautiful.