Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Psalm 23

I thought this was absolutely precious.


  1. Amen.
    Too cute.
    Thanks for sharing.

  2. My 7 daughters and I just watched this about 6 times, squealing at her cuteness every time.
    Now we're all asking each other, "Surely?"
    Thanks for sharing this - I think it will become a part of our household culture: one of those lines that we quote for years, and nobody outside the house knows what we're talking about.

  3. Oh, that brought tears of joy to my eyes this morning. I gave my daughter her weekly bible verse this morning Revelations 3:19-21 and she told me it was too long, maybe I should let her watch this precious little one. Thank you for sharing this.

  4. We just switched from dial-up to wireless last night and this is the first video I've ever watched via the internet. What a good first one! Thanks for sharing it. I had tears of joy too!

  5. This is just too, too precious!!
    Thank you for posting it.

  6. Absolutely as cute as can be!!! I was amazed when our church started memorizing passages, instead of just verses. We have 6 children and even the then 3 year old picked up a majority of the passage!!! Great video!

  7. Thats cuteness!! how precious!!...Surely!!

  8. Oh, so adorable!!!! I'm grinning from ear to ear. I've never heard of GodTube. I am going to have such fun exploring it. I'm going to imbed this same video on my blog~hope you don't mind.

  9. That was too cute! I'll be showing it to my children tomorrow. They will get a kick out of it! Surely!!

    : )


  10. Even my 18 year old son was charmed. God's children and the power of His Word - what an inspiring combination!


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