Thursday, July 12, 2007

Please Pray for Mei-Ling

My friend Pat over at Morning Ramble has a beautiful daughter, Melanie. Melanie had a baby recently. There were a few complications at first due to Melanie having Diabetes. Things have been going well. Then wee little Mei-Ling got sick suddenly and was rushed to the ER. They thought it was a UTI and were going to keep her since she has some heart issues. I just heard from Pat...
"This is a very difficult email to write. Mei-Ling is very sick, they found she is missing one kidney, her liver is not where it should be and she has at least two sleens. Right now, her kidney is enlarged and is infected. She also has sepsis, her blood is infected. Her defect is known as heterotaxy polysplenia. Its rare, very rare and the mortality rate is high. At this point the Doctors are concentrating on the infection. Later they will consider surgery. We are not sure she will make it, we are praying for a miracle.
We know for sure that she will be in the hospital for a minimum of two weeks, no doubt longer.
Please say a prayer for her."
Let's join together and pray for Mei-Ling, her parents and her grandparents.
Here is a picture of her at the hospital with her Daddy.


  1. My prayers are going up for all of you. Give Mei-Ling a kiss and tell her lots of people are going to keep praying that she will get well very soon.

  2. Oh what a precious baby--she has my prayers!!!!


  3. Thanks Marci for posting this, I will keep you updated.

  4. I just sent a prayer up and will continue to pray for her and her family!

  5. Hi Marci,
    I will certainly keep Mei-Ling and her family in my prayers. Thanks for sharing. I hope you have a wonderful day.

  6. Prayers for little Mei-Ling. My daughter was born with heterotaxy/polysplenia syndrome, and Biliary Atresia. I understand some of what the family is going thru. I am also diabetic, I think that there is a connection to the heterotaxy and diabetes.
    My daughters webpage...


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