Tuesday, June 05, 2007


Here is a video clip of my sheep. Their pasture has gotten way too long. We need to mow it down and move them.


  1. Yeah....I would have to say that the pasture (grass) is too tall for them. ;)

  2. The little lamb is so sweet, Marci!


  3. You have got some mighty chubby sheep there! The lamb is so cute!

  4. Cute. I wish it was longer...

  5. Oh, I can't wait until we have sheep. Thanks for sharing. Enjoyed seeing the lamb!

  6. Marci as you know I haven't been bloging much but I just want you to know that I do miss you too! Your blog is always an encouragment espc. in regards to my prayer life. e-mail me sometime...I would like to write you by snail mail on occasion. tinastone1971@yahoo.com
    I am jealous of all you new babies!!!


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