Thursday, June 14, 2007

New Puppy

This is the weekend that we get our pup. We are still deciding on a name, but it will probably be Dixie Darlin'. I really want to name her Biscuit, but neither one of my men like that. =( I am not sure how old she is in the following pictures, but it is probably 3 weeks or less. She is now 7.5 weeks old. We are looking forward to getting her.


  1. What a cute puppy, Marci! I wonder how your other dogs will feel about having a new one to join them.

  2. Marci, she is the sweetest thing!!! I really like the name Biscuit too but Dixie Darling is also wonderful !!


  3. Sweet! The other dogs will love her, because she is so little.

  4. What a cute little bundle of joy! How fun to have a puppy running around. Their energy is contagious. :)

  5. Dixie Darling is a beautiful name for a very cute puppy! =)

  6. what a sweet puppy. You are going to have so much fun with her or is it a him, I should pay better attention to what I read : )

  7. Oh my gosh! What a cutie!! shhhhh... don't let the girls see!
    Next time your in the mountains come and see us!!


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