Sunday, June 17, 2007

New Puppy & Mountain Pictures

We left Friday morning to head to to Virginia to pick up our new puppy. Her official name is Dixie Darlin'. We were able to meander on our way there, but had to hit it hard to come home on Saturday as we had somewhere to be late Saturday afternoon. We went west out of Ohio and crossed into West Virginia and then into Pennsylvania and then back into West Virginia, then Maryland and then into Virginia. We decided to head down Skyline Drive starting at Front Royal. We apent the night at a friend's house in Madison and then picked up the puppy in Charlottesville. We started for home and went the southern route this time. We went straight to my nephew's graduation party. Then we headed for home. We had to do some straightening up because we had church here today. =) I am ready for a slower day tomorrow.

Here is a picture of the puppy on one of our stops on the way home. Then a picture of my niece holding her at the graduation party.

Here are 2 more pictures of the bears. These were taken before the video on the post right before this one. If you click on them, they will get bigger and you can see the bears better. I am still so thrilled that I saw bears.

Here is a picture of a cloud coming in over the mountain. I would still love to live among these mountains. It is my dream, but if never comes to reality, that is OK.

I love this picture. I could spend hours on this bench. It looks like the end of the world in this picture, but that is because there were low clouds. It was very inviting.

This is a picture taken from up on Skyline drive looking down on the Shenandoah Valley. We saw all the farms dotting the landscape down there. We would have taken any one of them.

This next picture is of the sun trying to break through. It is ever changing in the mountains.

Neither of these last two pictures is very clear. The deer were everywhere and not afraid at all. We pulled up within 15 feet or so of them and would roll down the window and talk to them. They would just keep on eating. It was a good time of the day to go.

Check back tomorrow, I hope to start something new. I pray that your week will be one of blessing!!!


  1. Beautiful pictures, darling. I love the mountains, too.

  2. Looks like you had tons of fun! I love the Skyline Drive, and hope to see bears there someday. A cute puppy you got.

  3. Such wonderful pictures, Marci! Your new little puppy is so sweet and I love the picture of your niece!


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