Sunday, June 03, 2007

Blessings Abound

I told you in my last post of the blessings of lambs that God brought to me. I also mentioned that in my lamenting prayer, I had brought up the fact that this was the last chance for Buttercup to give me a little honey colored heifer calf and she was not showing signs of bagging up or being pregnant. Michael came in on Friday night and told me that Buttercup is starting to bag up. So, she is pregnant and now I get to wait and see what she gives us!!

Another set of blessings happened this past week as well. I used to have a sizeable strawberry patch here on the farm. Through someone's oversight, it was destroyed. I have never replanted it, although I wanted to. Last year I tried growing some strawberries in one of those strawberry planters (some people call them hen and chick planters). They did not do much and did not come back up this year. Last weekend a friend gave me a handful of strawberry plants. I have planted them in the planter. I am watering and hoping they will take off. Then later in the week, another friend gave me 2 quarts of strawberries. Then this morning, the neighbors brought over a jar of strawberry jam made from their strawberries. What blessings these are to me!!!

Today our fellowship met in a home about an hour away from us. They live on a beautifully landscaped piece of property. It also has several large garden beds and lots of fruit trees. We went out to see if they had ripe strawberries. They had been getting just a few every day. They have 3 large strawberry beds. Well, they hit the mother lode. There were LOTS of strawberries. They picked a huge bowl full from the one bed. Here they are discovering the red ripe beauties beneath the leaves.

While the girls picked strawberries, some of the guys went fishing. Here is one of the Dad's helping his little guy. They were catching fish too!!

The property next door has elk on it. There was a baby, but I could never find it to get its picture. Here is one of the bucks.

I was trying to get a picture of this little guy through the screen. It did not work too well, so I went out and waited for him to come back. I love hummingbirds!!


  1. Congratulations! Does that make you a grandma? What a lovely treat to have more strawberries. We've planted a few, and they do have berries!!

  2. Yep, the strawberry season is in swing. I too love watching hummingbirds feed from feeders and flowers!

  3. I hope you get your "honey", darling. It looks like you had a nice day in a beautiful place! I am gearing up for jam-making. I need to get strawberries and start picking mulberries... :-D

  4. I hope you get your little honey too! Looks like you all had a lot of fun!

  5. Oh those strawberries look great! I just dug my bed up, it wasn't doing too great.

    My mother-in-law just had a hummingbird at her feeder for the first time the other day. Awesome sight.

    Loved all of your pictures.

  6. You're so sweet! Thanks for coming all the way over to my humble blog to define some words for me! I did know heifer but not the other word you mentioned! I've already forgotten it. LOL The stand for the cow's head!

    Loved you rpretty strawberries!


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