Tuesday, May 08, 2007


Here are the first batch of chicks at just a couple of days over 3 weeks old. These are all broilers and they are out on pasture in their moveable pen. These are the ugliest chickens, but oh, do they taste good.

Why is it.... This first picture is a bare place in the grass where I left weeds lay for too long. The grass died and still this year the spot is bare.

Now here, right beside it is my flower bed, that I put newspaper down and thick mulch over that. It looks like it needs to be mowed instead of weeded. Why couldn't this grass grow in the barespot? =)

I have the first two little blooms on my bleeding heart plant. I really want to move it out of this barrel, but I wonder if I will kill it in the process.

Here is an Iris that is blooming in front of the house. My iris's do not do too good. I get lots of the green shoots, but very few flowers.

Now, I don't want to encourage anyone to whine, but let me tell you what whining got me.... =) We have a young lady in our church who is a very good cook, but an even better baker. She has a big family and her older brother and her Dad give her lots of requests for desserts. She has even asked my son and my husband for their idea of what she should bring to church. I have been suggesting a cheesecake for quite a while now. She is really a sweet girl, but chooses not to hear me. =) There are a couple of meals that I make that she really likes. She mentioned that I could just bring those 2 every other Sunday and she would be happy. I reminded her in a sort of whiney way that I would like a cheesecake. They had car trouble on Sunday and had to go back home. I told her that I brought one of her favorites that day. I asked what she had made for dessert. It was NOT a cheesecake. So, I did a bit more whining. =) Well, today , she and 3 of her sisters walked to my house. Guess what they brought me? How did you guess???? Yup, a cheesecake. They also brought me wildflowers. I am wondering if I should tell my guys or just hide it in the back of the fridge!! =)


  1. I would keep it a secret. LOL What nice neighbors you have

  2. I love your bleeding heart, Marci! Mine just won't bloom! Enjoy your cheesecake...Mmmm!

  3. Oh boy....I think I would hide the cheesecake. Only because I wouldn't want them to eat something they shouldn't. ;)


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