Friday, May 18, 2007

Show And Tell Friday

Kelli hosts a show and tell Friday. Do you have a something special to share with us? It could be a trinket from grade school, a piece of jewelry, an antique find. Your show and tell can be old or new. Use your imagination and dig through those old boxes in your closet if you have to! Feel free to share pictures and if there's a story behind your special something, that's even better!

I posted the following picture on my website. There was an older woman on line who saw it. She emailed me and asked if I would allow her to paint a picture of it. I told her to feel free. She asked me to send her some more pictures of our barn. I sent her several.

She emailed me and said she had finished the picture and would I like it. I told her I would gladly buy it from her. She refused payment even for shipping. She had it framed and shipped it to me. Here is the painting she did. Thanks Irene!!!

Today is my dear sweet Michael's 50th birthday. I feel like we have grown up together. Here is a picture of us the Christmas we were engaged (1978). God has truly blessed me with a wonderful, sweet, gentle husband. He has been the biggest blessing in my life and I thank God for him. It is also my friend Rachel's 18th birthday. Happy birthday Rachel!!!!!

Also, it is my one year anniversary of blogging. I started last year on this day!!! Time sure does fly!!!


  1. Happy Birthday to you!
    Happy Birthday to you1
    Happy Birthday Dear Michael,
    Happy Birthday to you!

    Hope he has a wonderful day! Tell Rachel I said happy birthday too! And...congrats on your 1 year blogiversary. ;)

  2. Dearest Marci, Darling,

    Tell Michael I said Happy B-day. The picture is something else. Michael's old pictures always look so "hippy" to me. heehee

    In Christ,


  3. Many happy returns of the day to your dear hubby Michael!

    And congratulations on your blogging anniversary! I'm so glad we "met"!

    I have to tell you....that picture of you reminds me of my sister-in-law so much....she's a blond, though. But you do look very much like her. Very pretty! Got any Finnish blood in your family? :)

  4. Oh my what a wonderful painting and how thoughtful that she gave it to you. I know you will treasure it always.

  5. Wow, what a sweet person! I love your picture, and how special that you "met" through blogging.
    Happy Birthday to your hubby!
    AND congratulations on your blogiversary, too!

  6. Happy Birthday.
    Happy Anniversary.
    And LOVE the painting!

  7. Lots of things to celebrate. The barn painting is lovely. How special and sweet of her.

  8. What a sweet woman to paint for you!

    Happy birthday to your hubby!

  9. Loved the painting and the story behind it even more! It is so nice to hear that there are still such NICE people around!

    Wish your hubby a happy bday for me!

  10. Oh what a beautiful painting! She did a wonderful job on it!! Happy Birthday to your hubby...and a Happy One Year Blogiversary to you:-) xo

  11. Great photo, Marci! Your husband and I are the same age now, and also the same vintage! However, I was married 10 years after you. How well I remember life in the 70's.

  12. The painting is gorgeous! What a blessing!
    Happy Birthday to your beloved and to your friend, Rachel.
    Also, happy bloggie anniversary!

    Enjoy your weekend.
    ~ Christina

  13. What a wonderful gift. I love the picture, that was just so sweet.

    Happy Birthday to Micheal.

  14. I love the barn picture. What a sweet lady!!!!Happy Birthday to Michael and Happy Anniversary on your blogging.


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