Thursday, May 17, 2007

Bluebird House

We will be picking the winner sometime today. Yesterday was full. I had my co-op truck come and then it had to be unloaded and sorted. My Dad and his friend came to our house for an afternoon visit and stayed for dinner. So, we have not had time to review the names yet.

I thought I would share a picture of the bluebird house my son made for me. The front swings down so you can clean it out. I am thrilled with my birdhouse!!!!! I will be back to write more later. I am still behind. =)


  1. Dearest Marci, Darling,

    That reminds me of the two bluebird houses that I got at the thrift store, which are collecting dust in the garage. I need to get those out and do something with them. Mine look alot like yours. Are you going to pain it? :-)

    In Christ,

    Mrs. M.

    P.S. I have another post on my new blog. Go ahead and link to it. I want comments... sigh...

  2. I mean...PAINT it... sigh again....

  3. Oh, I LOVE that birdhouse. That's exactly what I was describing to my children that I wanted. I just haven't been motivated enough (or knowledgeable enough) to make one. What a sweet gift from your son!

    ~ Christina


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