Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Blessings Even in Storms

If you read my blog regularly, then you know that we have lots of spring flowers in our yard. I have shared pictures of them and told you how much we enjoy them. The temperature has been dropping all day. We are going to have some cold days. The lows on several nights will be in the teens. Yesterday it was 79 degrees. It is currently 37. I went out this morning and picked all of my hyacinths and some daffodils. I have a lot more daffodils I can pick, but I got really cold, so I came in. The low temperatures will kill the flowers that are out there. The blessing is that I got to bring them into the house. Oh, the smell of the hyacinths is heavenly. It is making my entire kitchen smell wonderful.

We have been going through various trials in our family and home. They seem to get better and then like the temperatures in spring that change so quickly, they come rushing back in like a giant wave. If I can picture myself on the lap of my Heavenly Father, wrapped in His loving arms, then I can rest like a weaned child against His breast.

Psalm 131:1-3 LORD, my heart is not haughty, nor mine eyes lofty: neither do I exercise myself in great matters, or in things too high for me. Surely I have behaved and quieted myself, as a child that is weaned of his mother: my soul is even as a weaned child. Let Israel hope in the LORD from henceforth and for ever.

I hope that by responding to our trials in this way that I will be a sweet aroma to my Lord. All that is going on here is out of our ability to control. We HAVE to rest in the Lord. He is our All In All. Praise the Lord that we have a Mighty God to lean on and to rest in. He is able.

I am not sure why, but I love to see all the eggs we get in a basket. I love the different shades of brown and the green ones. I call these my "Cackle Berries". I just enjoyed this picture and thought I would share it with you.


  1. I am sure the flowers smell "heavenly." It was good to see you yesterday. We'll come back on a "warmer"day.

  2. Love the eggs in the basket! I enjoy seeing mine like that, too.

  3. I love going to get my eggs too. Marci I agree about the tough times too. I dont know about you & yours but most of our tirals has to do with my kids. I didn't know it would be this hard. How do people live from day to day with all the trouble in the world with out GOD? I could not live without HIM.


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