Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Walk Around the Farm

I went on a walk around the place this morning. It is a bit overcast, but I only had to wear a sweater. I did remember to put my muckers on this time.

Here is a picture of Honeysuckle and Magnolia. They are outside most of the day now. They are enjoying the warmer weather and the sunshine (when it is out) and the fresh air. They spend lots of time just lounging out in the pasture.

My poor sheep. Just last week, we herded them all in the shed and locked them in. The next day, they got sheared. Yesterday afternoon we had to herd them in again. They were very wary of us, but we were able to get the ram and the wether in there along with Sunshine. Ashley Wilkes (the ram) and Cookies-n-Cream (the wether) both went to the butcher yesterday. I have a waiting list for 3 more, but do not have any more to take. I am hoping the ram was able to do his duty. None of the ewes appear to be pregnant from just looking.

The spring flowers are coming up all over. The crocus are just exploding across the back of the house. Here are some pictures of them. They spread on their own. They used to only come up on one side of the back door. Now, they are all the way across. =)

This is a hyacinth that was planted last year. I am glad to see they are coming up. I love the smell of them. It almost looks like a pineapple plant at this point.

Here is the first daffodil of the season. It is on the south side of the house.

This is a chrysallis, cocoon or egg sack of some insect. Does anyone have a clue what it is from? It almost looks like it is covered in salt crystals.

These are pots that had holes in them or something was wrong with them. They are all filled with dirt so I can plant flowers in them for the summer. They look kind of lonely with nothing in them. =)

The dogs went on my morning walk with me. The cat even joined us for part of the walk. They love it when one of us comes out and go rambling about the place. They always try to guess where we are going and head there first.


  1. Hi Marci! I think I've got your riddle solved...that looks like a praying mantis egg case. We have loads of them around here. Great bugs to have in the garden! The crocus flowers and daffodils are such cheerful flowers. Mine are still slumbering under the snow but this week is supposed to be in the 50's so hopefully the grass will showing again soon. I just bought a pot of purple hyacinths to enjoy in my kitchen. Can't wait 'til they open!

  2. Spring has definitely sprung at your house, Marci! I love the little crocuses!

  3. I'm enjoying your blog posts although I don't know very much about farming or animals. But I do know about children! Happy first day of spring. :D

  4. As the pictures! It's so exciting to see flowers coming up. I need to take a walk around our house and see what is there. Since I have no idea what Erin planted around the house I have to be careful not to pull a plant when I am pulling weeds later this spring! =)


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