Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Nodding Yellow Heads

It is amazing how you can be married to someone for such a long time and still learn new things about them. Michael and I will celebrate our 28th anniversary on April 7th. Right before we moved into this house 5 years ago, I learned that he really liked daffodils. We moved to this property in February. We had no idea what was planted. Since, I had just learned that he liked daffodils, I was thrilled to see them coming up. They were everywhere. =) We have separated them and planted those but most of our daffodils were already here when we moved. You will probably get sick of seeing daffodils and spring flowers on this blog. I never tire of looking at them or taking pictures of them. It is a blessing that I have a digital camera. Film and developing sure could get expensive. Spring just gives me new energy and excitement for life and a desire to be outdoors. I love winter and snow, but I usually enjoy it most from the inside looking out. Spring draws me out the door and begs me to walk around the property and check on all the plants. Here is a group of daffodils out front by my whiskey barrel planter. I hope the plants in the planter come up this year after the hard freeze we had in February. The second picture is a daffodil bouquet that I picked and brought in the house. In the top center is one of the double daffodils that I found yesterday afternoon.

This is one of the farm cats. We have no idea if it is a boy or a girl. We can't get close enough to it to find out. The neighbor boy who helps me out, says he can pick it up and hold it. We may have him help us in this area. We have 2 Momma cats. We want to get rid of them, but they refuse to be caught. This cat usually won't sit still long around us, so I have not gotten any pictures of it since it was really tiny.


  1. I have been reading your blog for sometime now and I wanted you to know how much I enjoy reading about your farm. I lived on a farm in Tennessee when I was young and I loved animals. I had goats and pigs and cattle and several farm dogs and barn cats. I have spent the last 30 years missing animals and gardens and having my own acres to roam about on.

  2. Beautiful daffodils, Marci! Such a pretty springtime yellow!

  3. Wow...a man who likes daffodils! I love them too & they are a promise of spring. A friend of mine baked his MIL a bithday cake one was in the shape of a cross & he decorated it with yellow frosting & then put daffodils all around it. It was soooo pretty. His kids picked on him & said it looked like a funeral cake. LOL!~ I loved it.

  4. Marci it is me in the pic. I aint no Marylin Monroe just a plane jane, lol.

  5. I just love the cat! I burnt the straw this time because it had bleach in it. I have 2 huge compost piles so didn't feel bad about burning this time. Hope you are having a great day.

  6. Wow, Marci, was I surprised to see a kitty picture on your blog! LOL She/he looks like one we used to have who ran away. Try one of those humane traps to catch the ones you want to get rid of. A little fish might work as enticement.

    I love daffodils, too, and was so happy the first spring after we moved here in the winter of 2005 to see many little plots of yellow beauties, some of which smell just heavenly. Can't have too many, in my opinion!

  7. Marci, the yellow daffodils are so pretty we need to see them again & again! What's more cheery in spring than yellow flowers. Thanks for visiting my blog and posting your comment there and I'm sorry for not acknowledging sooner. Since you don't have an email addy I sort of lost track. Have a great weekend! :)

  8. The flowers are so springy. I love them! And the kitty is cute as a button!

  9. Beautiful daffodils Marci. I just love springtime. Like you, winter is a favorite time, but by its end I am ready for the warmer weather, the flowers and the renewed sence of wonder at the marvels of creation.


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