The above pictures show you what it looks like outside right now. It is an overcast day and the temperature is right now at 34 degrees. After all the frigid temperatures we have had, that feels amost spring like to us. On Thursday it says it might actually get in the 50's with a thunderstorm. If that happens, then almost all of the snow will be gone. I am anxious to see what my daffodils and other spring bulb plants will be doing. They started coming up in January because it was warm for so long. Then we got that long hard freeze. While I was out there taking these pictures, I heard a noise. It was geese flying. I zoomed as far as my camera would zoom in. You see their picture below. I was trying to figure out what they were doing. They are flying north. I tried to tell them that spring is really on its way and that they could turn around and head south. They did not listen to me. I wonder if they know something that I don't!!!! =0
I have been doing a lot of reflecting for the last several days. There were 3 deaths around me this last week. I did not know 2 of them, but they were known by others in my family. An 18 year old boy was accidentally shot by a friend and he died. He was friends with 2 of my nephews. Then my brother had a friend whose wife is in the very last stages of cancer. It is all through her body. They have a 16 year old daughter. Last week, the Dad was killed in a car accident. Now that precious girl knows that she will lose her Mom soon as well. Then last week, a precious 16 year old girl (I had met her and her family one time. They were friends of my friends) was hit and killed on her way to work. We are NOT promised another breath are we? Will the Master find us busy doing what He gave us to do, when our turn comes? In 2 of these deaths, they were young people. Young people have their whole life before them, or so we think. The other situation had all the marks of the other parent dying first and the Dad staying around to finish raising their daughter. Things are not always what they seem. The Lord gave each of us gifts and talents to use for HIM. Not for us, but to bring glory to His name. Are you using yours? Are you spending time with the Savior every day? Are you running your home or your business in a way that brings the Lord glory? Or is your life about you and what you want to do, or what you like to do? It really makes me think.
I had posted awhile back about the movie, "Facing The Giants". We got a copy of that church's first movie, "Flywheel". Again, I HIGHLY recommend that you watch that movie. It is another example of how God will bless us for doing what He told us to do and doing it right even swearing to personal hurt or loss. Time is short my friends. Let's be sure we are found faithful when He comes for us. We are the only "Jesus" or "Bible" that some people will ever see or read.
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