Sunday, February 18, 2007

Snow Sun Shower

In Florida, we used to get what we called sun showers. It would be raining while the sun was brightly shining. In the last 2 days, we have gotten another 3" of snow. Today it snows hard and then quits and the sun comes out. Then it starts snowing hard and then it quits and the sun comes out. We looked outside a little while ago and the sun was shining brightly and it was snowing. So, we had a snow sun shower!! =) If you click on the pictures you will see the full size version. You can see the snowflakes much better in the bigger pictures.


  1. we've been having quite a few "sun showers" here in Ohio!!

  2. Hey I never thought of it like that! It is so pretty there. I was telling Danny about your place yesterday. I realized why I like it there so much.....cause its in the country. All your animals & all...just my kinda livin sister!!


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