Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Keep Short Accounts

This morning, a local Christian family lost a precious child. Their just turned 16 year old daughter was in an auto accident that took her life. We never know when it will be our turn. It does not matter if you are young or if you are old. We all have an appointment with death. Make sure you keep short accounts with the Lord. Do you know for sure that if you died right now, that you would go to heaven? You can know that. If you are not sure and would like to be sure, you can email me and I will show you from the Bible. Once your life ends it is too late. Also, make sure that you will not have regrets if someone else dies. After they are gone is too late to make things right and get things settled. Make sure that if something happens to you, that no one else will have regrets. Reach out in love to those who may have a wall between you and them. Live each day as if it is your last, because you never know when your last day is.

Pray for the Yoder family as they mourn the loss of their daughter.


  1. I am so sorry to hear of this, and will pray for this family.

  2. Marci, that is so sad. Such a short life. I will pray for this family.
    BTW, I have been reading all of your post as of late. I love the snowman and all the snow pictures. You are special to me.

  3. Thanks for the reminder of keeping short accounts. The Yoder family is in our prayers.

  4. Marci, the greatest thing we can give anyone is the gospel. Praise the Lord that you are willing to share it with others!



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