Friday, January 12, 2007

It Will Be Hit or Miss This Week

I just want to let you all know that I will not be on the computer much this coming week. We have good friends from Florida coming for a week's visit. They have 8 children and we have not met the baby yet. They are really good friends and we are really looking forward to the time together. If I can't sleep, I may get on at night and post. =) We are still praying for LOTS of snow. I have heard 2 people recently say this weather pattern is just like it was back in 1978 when we had the huge blizzard. So, maybe they will get to experience a blizzard while they are here.


  1. Hope you have fun this week! Hubby also heard about the blizzard of '78 thing. I don't mind having a blizzard as long as it is in the next couple of weeks and not when the baby is due! ;)

  2. Hi Marci! I hope you have a joyous week visiting and catching up with your friends. Let it snow! :) We've got a system moving in tomorrow night so we'll see what we get come Monday.

  3. Have a wonderful time with your friends! I will pray you get snow!


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