Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Two New Babies

If anyone is around me very long, it becomes very obvious that I, yes ME, am a baby hog. I LOVE babies and children. There is nothing more precious than a brand new little one. I love to hold them, and snuggle them and kiss them and smell them and listen to them... There are 2 new ones in my life. A couple of weeks ago friends of ours had a bouncing (read 11.5 lbs.) baby boy (Fritz). Then on the 21st, Michael's baby sister had her third girl, Franny, who weighed in at a wee 6 lbs. 14 oz.

We have had so much going on here. Good friends of ours are moving to Kentucky. We went over to hug their neck and say goodbye on Monday night. Then last night we went to have birthday cake and ice cream with friends. Miss Lydia turned 8 years old. Michael was off last week and no one did his desk while he was gone. They were supposed to, but no one did. They are switching over to a new system this coming weekend and everything has to be current, so he went in early and worked late yesterday and today. He is still not home.

Today we had some rain, and then some sunshine and then some rain. Now, it is not raining, but still overcast. It gets dark so early now.


  1. I can't believe Miss Lydia is 8! Wow... Love the pics of the babies! Too cute. ;)

  2. Aaahhh, my dear friend Melanie, who let me come and hold her brand spanking new little daughter. One of my good friends who shares!!! =)

  3. Sweet little babies! It sounds like you had a great weekend with your friends. Your blog looks wonderful, I love the snowflakes! Keep warm!

  4. You know I will share the new one too! ;)

  5. What sweet pictures! I love that you call yourself a baby hog - it reminds me the neighborhood granny we had growing up. She treated all of us as if we were her own grandkids!


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