Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Indian Summer?

The days have been absolutely beautiful here. That contrasting light that I only see in the fall is here, but yesterday and today it is sunny and in the high 70's. It is getting down into the low 50's at night. We did have a small snap of cold weather. Then we had a cold front come through and behind it was not cooler temps, but warm wonderful days.

I picked my bird house gourds and my luffa gourds. I think I only got a total of 3 or 4 of the luffas. I got quite a few bird house gourds. I am letting them dry now and praying they don't rot. I would like to make birdhouses out of them and maybe paint on a few.

The pictures above are of the night sky last night. I saw the gorgeous corals and pinks and ran for my camera. Most of it was gone by the time I got outside. However, the sky was still lovely.


  1. Don't you just love how God paints a different picture every evening? Oh yes...I am not entering the contest because I can't think of anything witty enough. Don't really have a homestead yet. ;)

  2. nice photos. i have grown gourds. really like them. in my youth everone had them planted beside the out house.

  3. Just beautiful! I love Indian Summer. We don't get it here in Texas but I remember it from when I was little and lived up North.

  4. beautiful pictures Marci,
    Wish our heat was just a bit of Indian summer, but its just summer not wanting to EVER leave

  5. Marci I 'm trying to get caught up on blog reading...everyone has been busy!! I never thought about the term "Indian Summer" but now that I think of fits! The mornings here have been sooo pretty!! Oh man, aint it a blessing to live where we do!!


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