Thursday, September 07, 2006

Hoe Down Time

I thought I would throw this in here so you did not think that all we ever did had to do with animals and gardens. =) I was raised on bluegrass music. My Mom said that she listened to it when she ironed way back before she was married. She called it hillbilly music then. Our son loves bluegrass as well. God has really given him a musical talent. Friends of friends were having a HUGE hog roast. There was so many people there. Their property was beautiful and just made for this sort of thing. They had several acres and it was all park like. Every where you looked, you could see they had artistic talent at the way everything was decorated and layed out.

Well, they asked the little group my son plays with to be the entertainment. Here are some pictures from the hog roast. My son Joshua is the tallest in the group. He has on the light green shirt and is playing a guitar. He is also teaching himself the mandolin. They do a great job together and have a good time.

Besides bluegrass, Joshua is very talented with wood. He has an eye for the different patterns and flames in wood. He has a cabinet makers eye. I keep hoping for a Hoosier Cabinet one day. =)


  1. We love bluegrass too. Hubby plays in our church bluegrass group and I sing in it. He plays the guitar and a little banjo. Our 14 year old son also plays the guitar, mandolin, harmonica, and trumpet. Yeah, I know....the trumpet? But I think we're the only church I know of that has bluegrass groups and orchestra. Our 11 year old daughter plays the piano, flute, and piccolo. She has more of a classical ear for music, but still likes bluegrass. LOL


  2. Marci,
    It sure looks like everyone had a great time. I didn't know your son had a band he gets together with to play. How neat! Every once in awhile my husband and some of his friends get together and play together. It's like having a mini concert in our home. In fact, when my youngest son was a baby, the banjo was his lullaby music! When I was pregnant my husband taught himself to play, so the baby always heard it and was calmed by it. I, on the other hand, had a bit harder time getting used to the banjo, but now I love it.


  3. Steven has just taken up banjo and has taught himself the harmonica. Their church is just about to vote in the use of musical instruments so Steven is getting ready. He can alreayd play a few songs on the banjo. He has hopes to find a bluegrass group like what your son has found. Music is a balm to the soul.

  4. Karen, it is not really a band. There are 2 other families that have children who play musical instruments and they enjoy bluegrass. It is an informal thing that they get together and play. Different people have heard them and ask them to play for some thing or other. They don't have a name or anything like that.

    Patty, good for Steven. I think we always need to be learning something new. It keeps our brain exercised.

  5. Wow! I'm impressed! This is the way I like to see things! Here's blessings to your family!



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