Monday, September 25, 2006

Barn Greeters

When we go out to milk twice a day, we are now greeted as we enter the goat shed. These 4 kittens come tumbling out from behind the board that you see in the first picture. Some of them come over the hay bale in front of the board and some come around. The little black and white one comes in the milk parlor with the 2 dogs and the momma cat. When I squirt some milk on the floor for the momma cat, she or he is right in there with the momma cleaning it up. The other ones have come in, but they are more interested in trying to nurse. The kittens are being handled so they will be tame. We may get rid of the 2 mommas and keep one male kitten. The white and black one is most like our first barn cat that Joshua really liked. Her name was Ginny. It is hard to tell if kittens are boys or girls. If we do keep the kitten, we may run a contest for picking a name for it. I have 4 books that are brand new that I could give away. Hmmm........ I will ask my husband what he thinks. Be thinking!!


  1. Oh, they are so sweet!!! I love kittens! A name contest sounds like fun. I will be thinking!

  2. Marci...I think you are going soft on me! ;)

  3. Melanie, those are fighting words!!! =) I just handle them to keep them tame. I can find homes for them that way.

  4. OK, reading over your post, I was reminded of a Dennis the Menace cartoon I saw in a paper one time...Dennis had a dog that had puppies and wanted to show his little friend. His friend asked, "How do you know if it's a boy or girl?" To which Dennis replied, "Well, Dad always looks at the bottom of their feet." Now, isn't that just like a child? LOL



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