Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Special Dinner

Well, I tried posting pictures another way. We shall see if that works. This is our table already for serving. Then a picture of the individual place setting. The little piggies at the top of the plates are corn holders. Then a picture of the bread that I baked that day. My Dad loves bread with crunchies (sunflower seeds and whole millet) in it. So, I made 2 crunchy loaves and 2 regular loaves.


  1. I love your table pictures. It all looks so comforting and inviting.

    And uh, the bread looks DEEElicious.


  2. Oh! I just noticed your pig corn holders. They are adorable!!


  3. The bread looks great! Just wanted to let you know, I made your crock pickles and they are wonderful!!! Thanks for the recipe.
    blessings from WA, Shawn

  4. It all looks very nice! The bread looks so yummy - if only I could smell it. :)

  5. What a pretty table! I love your blue and white dishes!

  6. I hope this is not the second time this gets posted. Your special dinner looks wonderful. I love the table. You have a great blog.

  7. Happymama, I used to collect pigs and we got those back then. I still have quite a few pigs around, but I got rid of most of my knick knacky type stuff before we moved from Florida to Ohio.

    Shawn, I am glad the pickles turned out for you. Ours are about half gone already and our cucumber plants curled up and died.

    Revee, come on up and I will make more for you to smell.

    Kelli, now you can see why I always comment on your blue and white dishes. I love those two colors.

    Candy, thanks for the kind words.

  8. I have enjoyed my visit here so much! Love the photos and the posts. Love the goats the best! Will visit again soon.


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