Friday, August 18, 2006

The Lord Has Blessed Our Harvest

We have truly been blessed this year in our garden. I had a friend come over yesterday just to bless us. She arrived with her horse and buggy. She is neither Amish or Mennonite, but just enjoys the simple life. I had things that needed to be done in my house. She insisted on working in the garden by herself. I told her I would feel bad having her work out in the hot sun, while I was inside. She told me she insisted. So, she was out there quite a while. She weeded around my onions and peppers. Then she picked our first planting of 2 rows of corn and then picked more beans. So, guess what I am doing today? I will start with shucking the corn and getting going on it. Then I will snap beans and get them ready to can. We should have some good eating this winter. All of the work will have been worth it.


  1. What a wonderful friend you have! And what a bountiful garden. I know you will be counting your blessings again this winter as you enjoy the fruits of your labor.

  2. God has blessed you with good friends along with all the wonderful bounty! Praise His Name!!!!

  3. Love the horse and buggy picture :) You truly have been blessed with a good bounty and wonderful friends to lend a helping hand :)

  4. What a wonderful friend to have - one who is willing to give of her time. You are very blessed! :)

  5. I love the horse and buggy picture! What a sweet friend you have!

  6. I like your blog... down-home, wholesome, and Christian... beautiful! I love the simple life, and that you give God the glory. Great job!


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