Another little pink Cosmos is showing its face among the bottom leaves of the giant sunflowers. It is blooming where it is planted. It is not in the ideal spot. It gets most of its sun blocked, but still it shines forth with all its praise to the Creator.
The second tall sunflower has bloomed, but I could not get a clear picture of its face. It is much larger than the first and such a cheery yellow.
This morning when I looked out the back door, I saw the dew sparkling like jewels on the fine leaves of my asparagus. I love this picture with its contrasts of light and dark.
I think that some of our corn is ready to pick. Here is one of the ears that we will try first. We will probably be doing that this evening.
The last picture is our grape tomatoes. They were the first to turn red. There are many tomatoes on each plant. I pop one or two in my mouth, each time I go by. =)
Well, yesterday I canned 14 more quarts of beans. I also did another batch of pickle relish and a batch of blackberry jam. Today, I want to do another batch of bread and butter pickles. Then soon, I will have enough tomatoes to start canning them.
Your camera (and the photographer!) takes such great photos! Everything looks so lush and wonderful. Glad you are into the canning process these days as well.
We just moved into a house big enough to have a garden last year. It is so very nice to eat fruits and veggie you plant yourself. Thank you for sharing your garden with us.
Very nice, Marci....I always like to walk through your garden!
Marci when the picture came up of the tomatoes,my mouth watered. I've got some in the frig from my neighbor...gotta go get some with a piece of cheese now!!!
Thank you, Marci for sharing your pictures with us. I just love them.
I, too, have lots of cherry tomatoes and had not thought of a tomato salad. We've only been keeping a bowl of them on the table as snack food or putting them on tossed salads. I'm making Mexican manicotti tomorrow night and will try your Italian salad with it! (now I wish it were tomorrow's supper tonight!)
Sweet corn, I grew some for the first time this year. I just picked my first ear the other day and it was a monster. You can check it out if you want it's on my easy to grow plants blog. Nice pictures... keep on growing
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