This is just a busy time of the year. The harvest is coming in full force, you have to can, dehydrate, and freeze the fruits of your labor. Then when the winter is cold and crisp and the snow lies across the fields so white it dazzles and the fire is keeping you toasty warm, you can bring out that wonderful produce that you put away. It is nice knowing that it is organic and healthy. It is a warm feeling to know that it is the fruit of your work. I keep trying to encourage myself with these thoughts. My goat tried to escape last Tuesday. I grabbed her collar, just as she lunged the other way. I kept a hold of her, but jerked my neck out of place. It is still bothering me. So, as I am out picking or snapping beans, or washing jars, and I feel the ache, I can think ahead to this winter and the enjoyment I will receive from these labors.
The first picture is the sunflowers across the front of my garden. There is one (more toward the left in the picture) that is WAY taller than the others. In this picture, its flower is not quite open. That sunflower has to be at least 11 feet tall. The next picture is of some of my bird house gourds growing. If they all survive, I will have way too many to do anything with. I would like to make birdhouses out of as many as I can. Maybe they can be gifts for others. The last picture is the harvest from Saturday.
seems like I am so busy I am meeting myself as I turn around! But like you said this winter we will be relaxing by the fire enjoying the fruits of our labor!
Good luck with your harvest. I know it is hard work but it so like it will all be worth it this winter.
Great to see that your harvest is doing so well. That reminds me that I need to pick tomatoes today too! The sunflowers look beautiful. Ours are starting to die down some after being knocked over by winds during the last storm. Good luck with all the harvesting. The "babies" say hello!
Hi Marci! Thank you for stopping by my blog to check up on me. My back is doing fine, but I got sidelined with a nail through my foot last weekend. Fun stuff. ~grimace~ I wish that I were as busy as you are. Can't stand being still! I'm enjoying all the pictures of the fruits of your labors. We have some accidentally planted sunflowers in a little mixed flower bed behind our house. They are so cheerful to look at. I'll try to get up a post this week even if it's only photos. God's blessings to you! :)
MELANIE!!!!! Hello to the babies right back. Give them each a big kiss and snuggle from Aunt Marci. I hear there is another one on the way!!!!
I'll make sure to check in here often too!
Marci, what do you dehydrate vs. canning and freezing?
Lynn, I like to dehydrate onions. I especially like vidalia onions. I dehydrate them in slices and then put them in the food processor. I chop them up. They taste like candy. Around 50 lbs. will fit in a 1/2 gallon jar. I also dehydrated some zucchini and yellow squash this year. I like to dehydrate some tomatoes to make into tomato powder. It is great for thickening up tomato sauce or making tomato paste or just to thicken up a soup. I used to freeze corn and beans. This year I did freeze the corn, but canned the beans. I also freeze berries. I can tomato puree.
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