Someone had asked that I post a picture of patty pan squash when we harvested it. Here in this basket are zucchini, yellow squash, cucumbers and 2 patty pans. They are the round ones on top that look sort of like a flying saucer. They taste the same as the yellow squash, but I am told they keep their texture better if canned or cooked.
I bought a patty pan squash at the farmer's market last fall. I baked it on a pan with butter and honey. It was sooo good!
i like patty pan squash. i bake them with butter and pepper. like your blog. i like to read blogs about gardens.
Thanks for the picture. I've seen those before but didn't know what they were called. You'll have to let us know if they really are better for canning as I really love yellow squash but not so much after it is canned.
Hello, Marci! Things are certainly going full-swing around your place. Patty pan squash is so pretty! Tastes good, too. Regretfully we didn't get to plant squash this year. Looks like the peppers and tomatoes are it for our first garden. Mom-in-law says she's impressed by what we did accomplish, though, and I'm grateful for all with which the Lord has blessed us. Now if you have a remedy for hornworms other than picking them off, I'd love to hear it! The chickens consider them a tasty treat but I have to do the hunting for them! :)
Hi Marci,
I sure hope we get some summer squash before fall sets in! Haven't seen any growing to maturity yet.
Looks good Marci, our garden is looking like a moon scape, well thats an exaggeration, but its all dried up and gone for the most part. Too hot, too dry and simply not able to make it.
That was me that wanted a picture. I didnt know what a patty pan squash was! Does it taste like regular yellow squash?
Yes it does taste like a yellow squash.
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