Saturday, June 17, 2006

Pictures from other day...

Here are the pictures from the other day. It would not let me post them. These are 2 of the 3 goats. This is Honeysuckle and her daughter Magnolia. The last picture of course is the berry pies I made.


  1. Hi Marci! I came over to visit after seeing your name on some of the other agrarian blogs I read. We're at the beginning of our journey so I'm gleaning loads of wisdom from all of you experienced farmers out there! Your goats are very pretty. Are they Alpines? We're hoping to get one or two next year for dairy purposes but the jury is still out as to which breed. I've heard Nubians, Alpines, or LaManchas are all good. What's your opinion? God's blessings to you!

  2. Hi Marci! I tried signing your guestbook, but it didn't seem to be working. I remember being on your discussion group called Homestead Heaven about 5 years ago! I still have many of your recipes and words of wisdom. We have moved to our place in the country, and I am so thankful to be "in touch" with you again! You link to my son Peter's blog (Mr. Flatpicker); my blog is, and another son blogs at . Come and visit us! Blessings, Lynn Bartlett

  3. What pretty goats and the pies look delicious!


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